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Contact person: Manager Zhang
Number: 17768083906
Office Address: 1st Floor, Building 2, No. 1876 Chenqiao Road, Fengxian District, Shanghai
Factory address: 125 Luxi Street, Luqiao, Huashi Town, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province

Filler trim

  • category:Filler trim
  • Number of views:57次
  • Release Date:2023/10/24 10:52:49
  • overview

The packed column used for distillation separation is a vertical cylindrical container that contains an appropriate packed bed supported and irrigated by liquid flowing through a specific distributor.
The bed height is determined by the mass transfer capacity of the filler and is limited by the allowable pressure drop and total column height.

Packed tower

The packed tower used for distillation separation is a vertical cylindrical container that contains an appropriate packed bed supported and irrigated by liquid flowing through a specific distributor. The bed height is determined by the mass transfer capacity of the filler and is limited by the allowable pressure drop and total column height.
For standard mass transfer operations, fillers can be seen as an alternative to traditional trays. However, fillers are more sensitive to scaling issues than trays, and special attention needs to be paid to distributors during the design phase.
For devices that require additional production capacity, energy conservation, or higher purity products, fillers may be a good solution.
Even compared to efficient trays, the use of structured fillers can achieve the highest debottleneck capacity for vacuum to medium pressure towers.
Tower packing can be provided in two different ways: random packing or structured packing.
Randomly packaged from typical sizes ½ Made of small objects ranging from inches to 3 inches and randomly dumped into one or more beds in the tower.
The structured packing is made of metal plates and assembled in sections to fit the inner diameter of the tower.
The performance of fillers is closely related to the distribution quality of liquids and vapors,. It is strongly recommended not to underestimate the design of the dispenser, preferably by conducting a flow test on each dispenser before shipment.


Various separation and absorption applications such as absorption devices, continuous pressure reduction devices, synthetic ammonia devices, decarbonization, desulfurization, ethylbenzene separation, isooctane/toluene separation, absorption, aeration, degassing, desorption, distillation, stripping, heat recovery, extraction, atmospheric and vacuum conditions, among which low pressure drop is crucial, H2S, NH3, and SO2 absorption and stripping, steam stripping, quench towers, direct contact cooling, and many other industrial applications.
We can provide you with a variety of packed tower internal components for renovation, replacement, or new projects.


Contact person:Manager Zhang 15950948232

Office Address: 1st Floor, Building 2,
No. 1876 Chenqiao Road, Fengxian District, Shanghai

Factory address: 125 Luxi Street, Luqiao,
Huashi Town, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province

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